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I saw all five Transformers movies over the last few days and I'd like to talk about the experience.


Dear Escapist friends,

I've decided to watch Michael Bay's Transformers movies because... well, for one because I have never seen them and was curious, but also because I always felt it's interesting to look at works usually dimissed as, you know, bad. Now, I knew for a fact that Bay's a pretty talented guy. Pain and Gain is one of my favourite movies of the past decade and proves quite conclusively that he's not by any means the immature overgrown fratboy detractors often make him out to be. Crass and vulgar as it was, Pain and Gain was in many ways a pretty introspective and socially aware movie. It didn't exactly paint a very favourable picture of the society it's aware of but I can't blame it for that. So I was very eager to see if the Transformers series deserved the reputation it had.

So, let me start this off saying that I have absolutely no experience with the Transformers franchise outside of these movies and I don't care to. I'm vaguely aware that there's a group of sentimental Gen Xers who maintain that the animated movie from the 80s still holds up but quite frankly, I don't give a dang, for what it's worth, the backstory of the actual robots was the least interesting thing about these movies. What I will say is that they were interesting.

Most modern franchise movies are a pretty homogenized affair. You watch any given Marvel movie and they have more or less the same style of writing and more or less the same look, same goes, to a lesser extent, for Star Wars and post-BvS DC. The actual directors feels quite incidental to them. The Transformers movies feel like Michael Bay movies through and through, there's absolutely no attempt made to dial back his style to please the studio. All of Bay's obsessions, the sports cars, the women in tight hot pants, the sunsets, the explosions and the vulgar humor, are right there. He's neither expected, nor willing to make any concessions to political correctness, accesibility or good taste. Every single one of these movies is unapologetically indulgent and I can't help but admire them for it. Bay creates some of the most colourful, elaborate, shamelessly sexual and visually pleasing images I have ever seen, all for the sake of a series of dumb movies about fighting toy robots.

Those movies technically have characters, both human and mechanical and they technically have stories, though it'd be hard for me to tell you more than the broad strokes of them. If pressed on it I'd even go as far as to say they have themes, first and foremost about the relationship between man and machine but all of that takes a backseat to Bay's baroque excesses.

The movies have become the go to example for disposable Hollywood trash, sound and fury, signifying nothing, but I don't think that quite does them justice. I don't think any one of them has a screenplay that's better than awful but one thing they're not is soulless. They are gorgeuosly shot and have some absolutely breathtaking imagery. We live in a world where someone like Joss Whedon can film superheroes as if they were office drones, without any sense of passion, wonder or excitement whatsoever. Almost each frame of Transformers is dripping with style. The iconic image of Megan Fox seductively opening up a car. Mark Wahlberg, playing an idealistic inventor, looking out at the sunset. The squeaky clean interior of a futuristic office building. The explosive fights between two groups of alien robots as buildings collapse around them. Bay lends a painterly sensibility to the most lowbrow of subject matters.

As poorly written as they are, there's a sense of mad genius to these movies. At their best they are a display of breathtaking futurism and boundless ambition, of blurring the line between realism and pop-art, at once stunningly beautiful and throughly disposable. Trash arranged as a work of art. The last movie, Last Knight in particular, almost experimental in it's editing. It's a movie where the aspect ratio can change with almost every single cut. No concern for visual coherency, only for what would look best in the moment, for one particular image. It's explosive climax easily among the most visually impressive sequences ever put to film, making Star Wars: Last Jedi and even Blade Runner 2049, both of which came out roughly around the same time, look quaint in comparison.

The Transformers movies are fascinating works, beautiful, vulgar, insane, sleazy, offensive and, in the end, utterly vapid. I don't regret seeing them, quite the opposite, I was entertained almost all the way through. There's a type of art in how utterly, uncompromisably indulgent they are. It's like watching a child play with his action figures which might make them a truer adaptation of the toys they are based on than any other ones. I'm not entirely sure if Bay is too good for this franchise but god knows he directed the shit out of those movies and if these screenplays had been adapted by anyone else, they never would have become the phenomenon they are. They are auteur trash. Science Fiction as imagined by Andy Warhol. A display of massive quantities of talent, money, time and labour used to create something utterly meaningless. 5 2,5 hour epics of pure mindless decadence.

Basically, what I'm saying is, I really liked them. 7.5/10

Hey guys, I'm a furry


Check out my fursona.

I also love femboys and trans people. I think they're awesome.

Discuss how awesome I am.

New rating system idea...


So my fellow gamers, i was thinking about how when I was single I used to play games I didn?t even enjoy all that much, just to finish them because I generally had the time. It skewed my perception of the games, and made it difficult to accurately critique them.

Now? I only have so much time to play even one game, so my parameters for judgment and continuing to play a title have shifted into terms of how much I enjoy playing the game.

An example of this proposed rating system, which naturally encompasses all technical, artistic, design, mechanics, etc. you think is vital to enjoying a game would be:

100% is a game you enjoyed playing literally 100% of the time. This is the holy grail of scoring, and of course an extreme rarity. A benchmark game, if you will.

0% of course would be a game you enjoyed playing 0% of the time.

Then there is everything in between. It?s a simple system that distilled games down to their essence: interactive entertainment that is meant to be enjoyed.

What do you think?

Look how many US States allow Police to have sex with suspects in custody.


You would think this would be a no brainer to have laws to prevent this, but no, in the US, the police can be so corrupt as to have sex with people while they are in custody.



So why would a state NOT want laws preventing Police from having sex with people taken into custody, or on a traffic stop or are questioning at the time? I cannot see why that should ever not be considered illegal.

If it happens to be their spouse or romantic relationship, they can do that on their own time, and it should have been a conflict of interest for them to be an arresting officer or their attendant at the jail at that point anyhow.

This was actually an issue for our police department here with the issue of "sex for contraband", but there are no laws on the books for the sex itself, it was an issue of contraband. see:
But this town is so corrupt the DA listed in that article ALSO went to prison, the sheriff in that article there should have too as he had numerous restraining orders against him for good reason.


Switch Online Service.

As a non-American, please explain to me the argument of Illegal Immigrants


So, as a Portuguese fellow who travels a fair bit around Europe, I still haven't been able to wrap my head around the issue of Illegal Immigrants around here.

The closest thing we have are the Refugees, who are fleeing an active war zone and so don't have literally nowhere to go. So we take them in, and as a leftist scumbag or whatever UKIP wants to call us these days I say "yeah sounds about right".

But Illegal Immigration is one of "those topics" like advanced gender issues (20+ genders and why we can't just have male and female sexes and not atribute any set of behaviours to those sexes) that sounds like a "Oh, America!" situation, so I usually keep my mouth shut on it since I don't even begin to understand it, and unfortunately it is too hard to find nonbiased sources with my limited time.

So maybe you chaps can help me understand the issue.

I have a few basic questions first:

> So, most illegal immigrants are people whose green cards expire and they haven't left or became citizens, so the right wants to kick them out. What's the issue here? If they don't apply to renewal, aren't interested in citizenship and don't respect the rules, why want them to stay? And if the problem is the rules, why wouldn't we want to change them so these people CAN actually be there legally?

> Why is the American left very protective of illegal immigrants to the point of making up new names for a very simple concept? And why is the American right so obssessed with kicking them out, especially the recent cruel measures of breaking up families?

> I hear people compare sometimes the Illegal Immigrants to the Refugees, because Mexico is a very violent place dominated by gangs. So why haven't the Democrats actually taken measures to establish refugee camps?

> Why doesn't America have measures in place to integrate refugees into society? And, as a bonus question, why is America so segregated? Despite the far right nutjobs that have infested our European politics claim, most of our different demographics (except Gypsies for far too complex reasons to explain here) are fairly well integrated, with only a few outliers. There are still a bit of ingrained racism here and there (We have "China stores" filled with cheaply made crap and ran exclusively by Chinese folk, not even Asians, chinese) but most of the racism here is leftover from our culture and not hard felt. Why is America so divided?

And if anyone wants to drop a wall of text on me explaining stuff in detail, I love to read, so go ahead and unleash your inner college political science professor.

So that we can all meet up again: Contact information thread


I don't know how much longer we're gonna be able to see each other on this thread, so I thought I'd make a thread where people can share contact information just in case they want to stay in touch after the 404 code hits.

My Steam is Erttheking and PSN is Erttheking43 is anyone gives a crap.

What's your opinions on Jordan Peterson?


I decided to make this a topic into itself because I am curious.

As for my opinion so far, all I have is impressions, and so far all I can see from him is that he's pretty much become the Alt Right's professional and "clean" spokesperson like he's no Milo Yiannopolis or Sargon thats for sure, or he is, for lack of a better word, a useful idiot to the Alt Right. Whether or not he is in league with the Alt Right or not I have no idea which is why I made this thread.

But I like to see any other opinions regarding him.

Death tolls mysteriously rise in Gaza


At least, according to headlines. Why? Who?


Dozens die in Gaza


In Jerusalem, an embassy opens. In Gaza, at least 55 die on bloodiest day in years

It's just so tragic and mysterious.

Oh, here we go. After being shamed into it, NYT changed their headline to indicate something approximating a cause of death:


Israel Kills Dozens at Gaza Border as U.S. Embassy Opens in Jerusalem

Thousands of Palestinian protestors have been wounded or killed in the past few days deliberately by members of the Israeli Defense Force. With bullets. The IDF is shooting unarmed peaceful protestors.

Just to be clear: number of Israelis killed is zero. Number of Israelis wounded is zero. Number of rocket attacks that have happened during this protest is zero. This is pure bloodthirsty brutality.

But the IDF has a justification. In its own words:

Yes, the reason the IDF is shooting unarmed protestors in the head is that, after stealing Palestinian land, they built houses on it and apparently it's just oh so scary to be a thief armed with tanks, planes, smart bombs, and attack helicopters.

Okay so what is the deal with Hatchbacks?


So yea, over seas Hatchbacks are a "thing", and recently here I have seen much more of them than I have in the past. I just don't "get it". Why one of those instead of a van/minivan/ SUV if it is a space issue? I see this as an ugly trend that will result in having tons of these things unloaded at some point like the old station wagons. To me, that is all they are is "old station wagons" regardless of the new designs. I just think they look bad.

Then again, My father was a race car designer, builder and driver and designed my car to be aerodynamic and seeing that bulky back end with a door that will hit me in the head does nothing for me. I like sleek, curvy, sexy cars or for practical uses a van that can actually hold an apartment. I am not understanding why choose to hatchback at all instead of the other options. If it was just the price, why would anyone buy a new one instead of a used any other car besides a hatchback?

Someone please help me understand why anyone would actually want one of these.

Poll: For Men's Liberation do they need to have access to having their own children without a woman


For Men's Liberation do men need to have access to having their own children and family without a woman as vice versa?

I don't even know if this is something any substantial portion men want so I'm asking.

EDIT: Sorry this is so brief. I had a poll with 7 options. It is gone.

The Seven sins of Black Ops 4 reveal


1. Typical "We're making COD from the never-before-seen angle" (Pride)

2. No Single player campaign has been confirmed. Because we are lazy (Sloth)

3. Battle Royale will be replacing the campaign. Because it's popular(Envy)

4. Almost carbon-copy of BO3 multiplayer with very similar class-system mechanic, fixing nothing that made multiplayer so frustrating (Wrath)

5. Zombies will have three campaigns. Because that alone makes it up for full price (Gluttony)

6. As done before, PS4 owner will get some bonus. Trying to appease the PS4 owners I see (Lust)

7. And it will still charge the standard $60, and other cash-grab special editions (Greed)

And there are your seven deadly sins of Black Ops 4

Let Us Say Hello And Goodbye Together!!! CELEBRATE THE ESCAPIST!!!!


Folks, with the site derping to the point of being inactive, well, now might just be the time to start saying goodbye. It looks like the new owners will be transferring us to a site of their own design so the Escapist as we have known and loved shall likely cease to be.

I started coming here 8 years ago. I stopped lurking in the fall of 2012 and quickly found myself welcomed and chatting with new friends from every corner of the planet. It hurts to see an era pass, but it hurts more to lose my long time friends.

Just in case these are the Escapist's last days I'd like to thank everyone for the (usually) good company. Perhaps we'll meet again on a new site--perhaps the future Escapist, even.


It was worth it!

it was all worth it!!!


Should Old Acquaintance be forgot,
and never thought upon;
The flames of Love extinguished,
and fully past and gone:
Is thy sweet Heart now grown so cold,
that loving Breast of thine;
That thou canst never once reflect
On old long syne.

On old long syne my Jo,
On old long syne,
That thou canst never once reflect,
On old long syne.

As a non-American, please explain to me the argument of Illegal Immigrants


So, as a Portuguese fellow who travels a fair bit around Europe, I still haven't been able to wrap my head around the issue of Illegal Immigrants around here.

The closest thing we have are the Refugees, who are fleeing an active war zone and so don't have literally nowhere to go. So we take them in, and as a leftist scumbag or whatever UKIP wants to call us these days I say "yeah sounds about right".

But Illegal Immigration is one of "those topics" like advanced gender issues (20+ genders and why we can't just have male and female sexes and not atribute any set of behaviours to those sexes) that sounds like a "Oh, America!" situation, so I usually keep my mouth shut on it since I don't even begin to understand it, and unfortunately it is too hard to find nonbiased sources with my limited time.

So maybe you chaps can help me understand the issue.

I have a few basic questions first:

> So, most illegal immigrants are people whose green cards expire and they haven't left or became citizens, so the right wants to kick them out. What's the issue here? If they don't apply to renewal, aren't interested in citizenship and don't respect the rules, why want them to stay? And if the problem is the rules, why wouldn't we want to change them so these people CAN actually be there legally?

> Why is the American left very protective of illegal immigrants to the point of making up new names for a very simple concept? And why is the American right so obssessed with kicking them out, especially the recent cruel measures of breaking up families?

> I hear people compare sometimes the Illegal Immigrants to the Refugees, because Mexico is a very violent place dominated by gangs. So why haven't the Democrats actually taken measures to establish refugee camps?

> Why doesn't America have measures in place to integrate refugees into society? And, as a bonus question, why is America so segregated? Despite the far right nutjobs that have infested our European politics claim, most of our different demographics (except Gypsies for far too complex reasons to explain here) are fairly well integrated, with only a few outliers. There are still a bit of ingrained racism here and there (We have "China stores" filled with cheaply made crap and ran exclusively by Chinese folk, not even Asians, chinese) but most of the racism here is leftover from our culture and not hard felt. Why is America so divided?

And if anyone wants to drop a wall of text on me explaining stuff in detail, I love to read, so go ahead and unleash your inner college political science professor.

What's your opinions on Jordan Peterson?


I decided to make this a topic into itself because I am curious.

As for my opinion so far, all I have is impressions, and so far all I can see from him is that he's pretty much become the Alt Right's professional and "clean" spokesperson like he's no Milo Yiannopolis or Sargon thats for sure, or he is, for lack of a better word, a useful idiot to the Alt Right. Whether or not he is in league with the Alt Right or not I have no idea which is why I made this thread.

But I like to see any other opinions regarding him.

So that we can all meet up again: Contact information thread


I don't know how much longer we're gonna be able to see each other on this thread, so I thought I'd make a thread where people can share contact information just in case they want to stay in touch after the 404 code hits.

My Steam is Erttheking and PSN is Erttheking43 is anyone gives a crap.

Something is coming


Hi folks. I hope to have good news for you in the coming days regarding The Escapist's future.

Okay so what is the deal with Hatchbacks?


So yea, over seas Hatchbacks are a "thing", and recently here I have seen much more of them than I have in the past. I just don't "get it". Why one of those instead of a van/minivan/ SUV if it is a space issue? I see this as an ugly trend that will result in having tons of these things unloaded at some point like the old station wagons. To me, that is all they are is "old station wagons" regardless of the new designs. I just think they look bad.

Then again, My father was a race car designer, builder and driver and designed my car to be aerodynamic and seeing that bulky back end with a door that will hit me in the head does nothing for me. I like sleek, curvy, sexy cars or for practical uses a van that can actually hold an apartment. I am not understanding why choose to hatchback at all instead of the other options. If it was just the price, why would anyone buy a new one instead of a used any other car besides a hatchback?

Someone please help me understand why anyone would actually want one of these.

Death tolls mysteriously rise in Gaza


At least, according to headlines. Why? Who?


Dozens die in Gaza


In Jerusalem, an embassy opens. In Gaza, at least 55 die on bloodiest day in years

It's just so tragic and mysterious.

Oh, here we go. After being shamed into it, NYT changed their headline to indicate something approximating a cause of death:


Israel Kills Dozens at Gaza Border as U.S. Embassy Opens in Jerusalem

Thousands of Palestinian protestors have been wounded or killed in the past few days deliberately by members of the Israeli Defense Force. With bullets. The IDF is shooting unarmed peaceful protestors.

Just to be clear: number of Israelis killed is zero. Number of Israelis wounded is zero. Number of rocket attacks that have happened during this protest is zero. This is pure bloodthirsty brutality.

But the IDF has a justification. In its own words:

Yes, the reason the IDF is shooting unarmed protestors in the head is that, after stealing Palestinian land, they built houses on it and apparently it's just oh so scary to be a thief armed with tanks, planes, smart bombs, and attack helicopters.

The purge of adult games.


Sounds like steam might be doing a purge of adult games from their storefront. Apparently a number of devs who have made sexy games where the steam version doesn't have more then perhaps some exposed breast, will have those games pulled from the steam store within 2 weeks. If there are certain smexy games on steam you have had your eye on it might be time to grab them since they will always be available to download but you might not have a chance to buy them if you wait too long.


A right wing anti pornography group called 'national center on sexual exploitation' is taking credit for the removals, their original name was 'morality in media'.

Link to their twitter since I dont know how to link a tweet.

Have some Jim Sterling talking about it too.

Update: apparently valve has apologized to Mutiny dev Lupiesoft and Huniedev, makers of Huniepop. According to a tweet by the Huniedev "I have just received word from Valve apologizing for the confusion, saying to DISREGARD their previous e-mail about the violation, that they are in the process of re-reviewing the game and will follow up soon."

This is good news and takes our precious adult games out of immediate danger, but this is still just a re-review. Valve might still decide to take the safe road and just ban any type of sexual content. However I think the counter protests against removal of adult games have really shown there is a sizable market for this, so hopefully valve will agree.

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